Harbin Engineering University College of Nuclear Science and Technology

thesis proposal procedure

Date: 2023-07-31 Author:  Hits: 

Dissertation Proposal Presentation

Usually, the dissertation proposal presentation should be finished within two years after enrolled, no later than the end of fourth semester at the latest.

A thesis proposal with NO LESS THAN 6000 words should be submitted to the advisor before the dissertation proposal presentation is made.

The website of Graduate System is http://yjs.hrbeu.edu.cn/.The initial User Name of the system is your Student number. If you can not find your password, you can ask for help from the tutor.









1. Apply for the proposal and input your information. Upload your thesis proposal report and literature review report.

Your supervisor will appoint 2 experts to check your thesis proposal report and give comments. If the remark is 75, then you can go on the next procedure. If one comment is <75, then the thesis proposal report should be revised, and you can apply for the 2nd check in 3 to 6 months.

2. Ask your supervisor to check the application in the system, and he should appoint someone as the secretary for the committee.

3.At least 3 days before the presentation date, the secretary establishes  a  group for Thesis Proposal Presentation in the system, and add the committee member and student in this group, then tell the Teaching Affairs Office.

4. The Teaching Affairs Office check the group and committee information, so that the presentation information can be publicly displayed, and then Dissertation Proposal Review Form can be printed.

5. MAKE a presentation(no less than 30 mins) and answering questions ( about 30 mins) in the ceremony, and the secretary should fill in the result of thesis proposal in the system after the ceremony.

6. Submit the Dissertation Proposal Review Form and thesis proposal report with the signature of supervisor in one week to the Teaching Affairs Office.