July 2nd-6th. Six teachers, including Cao Xinrong, Yoshikawa Rong and Tan Sichao who were from The college of Nuclear science and technolege, attended the 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering in Shanghai. 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ICONE25). The International Nuclear Engineering Conference is sponsored by the China Nuclear Society (CNS), the American Institute of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the Japan Institute of Mechanical Engineers (JSM). Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Engineering Research and Design (SNERDI). There are 3 plenary meetings, 4 seminars, 10 breakout sessions, more than 800 reports and more than 1,000 participants from all over the world.
Faculty and students present academic presentations at ICONE25 meetings and communicate with participating experts.
Teachers and students of Nuclear College participate in ICONE25.
The meeting report of student.
In the award section of the student competition group, doctoral candidate Zhuang Nailiang was awarded the Akiyama Medal Award, the highest honor of the ICONE. Guo Dan and Yang Kuan won the award for Qian Sanqiang's best paper and best poster, respectively. Akiyama Medal is the ICONE Best Medal in memory of Professor Akimaya, one of the late founders of the ICONE Conference, and only one person receives it at each session.
Wang Nai-liang is awarded the Akiyama Medal Award with the highest honor of ICONE.
Akiyama Medal Certificate